Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sorry, Snooki! Cher Explains Why She Hates Reality TV

Sorry, Snooki! Cher Explains Why She Hates Reality TV

Cher is one of the greatest pop culture icons of the past 50 years. So what does she think of the pop culture icons of 2010? In a new interview with 20/20, the singer-actress admits that she doesn't understand the appeal of reality stars like Snooki and Kim Kardashian.

"I kind of like people that do something, that are not just famous for -- I'm not sure what," the reclusive star tells ABC News anchor Cynthia McFadden. (Watch the clip below!)

"What I know about the Kardashians you could put on the head of a pin and still have room for the Lord's prayer," Cher says when asked about the fame-hungry family. "I know nothing about them."

As for Snooki, Cher says she once got a bobblehead doll of her in a swag bag -- but she's not at all interested in her show.

"My sister was telling me about these New Jersey kids," says the 62-year-old performer. "And the way she was describing it was so horrible, I thought, why would I want to (see that)?"

It's pretty funny to see the mega-talented Cher so baffled by our national love of untalented reality stars. But she admits that once upon a time, there was one reality show that she actually enjoyed!

"A long time ago I used to watch this really sweet reality show called Jon and Kate Plus Eight," Cher says. "And then I leave the country for six months, I come back and the whole thing has just blown up in everyone's face, and I just thought, well, this is not what I signed up for. And I thought it was sweet. I liked the babies."

So did we, Cher. So did we.

The full Cher interview airs Friday night on 20/20. The Oscar-winning actress is promoting Burlesque, which hits theaters on Nov. 24 and marks her first major film role in over a decade.

Do you agree with Cher about reality TV stars? Chime in below!

Like This? Read These:
- Cher on Son Chaz: "She's a Very Smart Girl -- Boy!"
- Kim Kardashian: I'm Okay Being Single 
- Snooki's "Painful" Community Service? Signing Autographs!


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