Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Meryl Streep Covers Fairlady South Africa April 2012

She's fresh off of landing another Academy Award to her abundant collection, and Meryl Streep followed up her big win by landing the cover of the April 2012 issue of Fairlady magazine.

The 62-year-old Best Actress winner struck a stylishly sophisticated pose for the South African publication's front page while talking about everything from her heralded role in "The Iron Lady" to the lack of "juicy" roles for women - including herself.

Highlights from Miss Streep's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to pay a visit to Fairlady!

On the lack of juicy roles available for women:
"There aren't that many movies around, available. There aren't that many movies written that I could do. There aren't a lot of serious movies. That's all right. I like comedies, too."

On taking on the role of Margaret Thatcher in 'The Iron Lady':
"There is no part like this because there's no woman like this. I'm going to turn that down because I don't like her politics? My God. Part of what interested me about this whole thing was seeing why we are so uncomfortable on a certain level with women leaders and with their male partners feeling diminished. It's an interesting thing for us to contemplate."

on whether she pays attention to the awards buzz:
"How can you be in this business and not? It's sort of a non-starter, that conversation. I'm proud of [Iron Lady]. I want people to see it. I especially want women to go out on the first weekend and see it... You have to scramble so hard to make a movie about women."

On her joy over the fact that her family liked 'The Iron Lady':
"My husband loved it. He's the last person I thought would be drawn to it. But he said it's not a political movie, it's an existential movie. He got it. That made me really happy, that my husband and son wanted to see it a second time."

Source: http://celebrity-gossip.net/meryl-streep/meryl-streep-covers-fairlady-south-africa-april-2012-597051

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